Laboratory Medicine / Pathology

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Well equipped pathology and imaging department are the backbone of any hospital. They help in establishing a diagnosis so the patient can be managed on the principles of evidence based medicine.

Haematology :-

Accurate cell counts with automated cell counter    
20 parameters reported in CBC
Differential WBC reported in % as well as absolute numbers.
All CBC cross checked with smears
Daily QC (Quality Control) of all parameters
Age & Sex-matched reference ranges given to facilitate interpretation.
Automated coagulometer for precise monitoring of anticoagulant therapy.

Biochemistry :-
Automated random - access dry chemistry analyser for utmost precision & accuracy of biochemical analyses.
Blood Gas & Electrolyte analyser for instant metabolic & respiratory parameters.
GFR reported with S. Creatinine to facilitate detection of significant renal impairment with normal S. creatinine values.
Regular QC (Quality Control) check for all biochemical parameters to validate all results.

Microbiology :-
Automated blood culture system for prompt detection of positive blood culture as early as 4-5 hrs.
Automated Bacterial identification & MIC testing system for precise identification of bacteria from culture & their antibiotic susceptibility by MIC testing.
Anaerobic culture
Fungal culture  identification & susceptibility testing.
TB Culture & Sensitivity - by automated system and identification by molecular methods.
Microbiological safety cabinet & CO2 incubator for inoculation & incubation of cultures for maximum yield.
Sensitivity reporting as per current CLSI guidelines.

Histopathology :-
(State of Art, all imported, automated instruments)
Automated system include Tissue processing and Microtome.
Frozen section (cryostat) system for urgent reporting of Histopathology specimen.
Special staining procedures.
Special centrifuges for cytology specimen to get maximum yield (cell-button studies)
Reports along with micro-photographs.
Immuno histo chemistry reporting soon.